
How You Know You Need a Break: Let’s De-stress

I am one of those people who spreads herself way too thin. I sometimes feel like I am always go-go-go, and never no-no-no. No, is not exactly a word frequently used in my vocabulary. I can’t help it, I like saying yes! I like being active, I like doing things and I like being on the go. However, this can become unhealthy, and I have noticed there are tell-tale signs when I need a break.

  1. I’m having trouble falling asleep. 
  2. I’m living from my couch.
  3. I’m easily aggravated. 
  4. I’m skipping meals, and probably not taking care of myself in general.

You’re probably thinking… no shit Layla, something is wrong with you. However, I know I have lived like this without realizing it before. The important part is realizing that something is up, and taking a step back to understand how to handle it.

*ALERT! ALERT! I am not a doctor, these are just ways that have helped me de-stress.*

Laying down for bed earlier and turning off all devices. You guys, I am an avid sleeper (duh, we all should be). I go to bed at nearly the same time every night, and I average around 8 hours of sleep. So you can imagine, when I am missing out on sleep, it puts me in an entirely different mood. One things that helps me when I am having trouble sleeping is laying down an hour earlier than I am used to and disconnecting from everything. The alternative to those electronics, for me, is reading a book, and listening to music.

Take time for yourself. Do something special. Take a long bath and use the bath bomb that’s been sitting in your drawer since Christmas. Throw on a face mask, shoot, throw on a hair mask too! Diffuse some eucalyptus and turn your bathroom into a spa. (I always like to throw in a glass of wine here too.)

Go for a walk. Something about getting up and just walking really relaxes me. Now, this is something I do when it is warm outside. If it is cold, I opt for going to the gym. It gives me a moment of peace and allows me to forget about everything other than moving my feet.

Dance to your favorite song. Anyone who follows me on Snapchat might know that a dance party is something that happens pretty often in my house. It is also something that happens to a pure radio song that I am digging that week. This is just another one of those moments that allows me to just forget.

Talk it out. Grab your friend who is the best listener and just lay out everything that is stressing you out. Say it out loud. Does it really matter? Is this something you should let get to you? Saying it out loud gives you the opportunity to really understand what is going on. It also gives the opportunity to hear how someone else would handle it.

You might be thinking… who on earth even has time for all of that? Guess what, sometimes you have to make time. I am not saying you have to do all of this every single day, but when you feel yourself stressing out, maybe step outside and take a 10 minute walk. You can do it, you can find the time.

Taking care of yourself and making sure you are okay is so important and so necessary. Try not to let it slip out of reach. 🙂

What are some ways you de-stress? Comment below!

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  • Reply
    Julie Rogers
    February 22, 2018 at 9:07 am

    Great post with awesome advice. I’m always stressed and need to do all of this!!! Thank you for taking the time to write this post. I’m going to try and implement some of your tips in my daily life.

    • Reply
      Layla Living
      February 22, 2018 at 9:27 am

      Girl, if you are always stressed definitely try some of these out. Constant stress is no fun! But I know it happens to all of us. I hope some of these tips help.

  • Reply
    February 22, 2018 at 9:20 am

    This post is so true and I love the solutions you offer too! I’m also an average sleeper. I always get 6.5-8 hours of sleep every night, and, like you, I’m cranky if i don’t. The hardest part for me is definitely turning off devices tho. i’m so attached to my phone that it’s hard for me to put it down until I’m super tired. I really want to make a conscious effort to disconnect from everything!

    • Reply
      Layla Living
      February 22, 2018 at 9:29 am

      Disconnecting is a struggle for me too. Especially when my brain is running. I feel like I have to be constantly checking and making sure I am not missing anything. Check out the Thrive Global Podcast, they have really great sleep tips and tips about disconnecting.

  • Reply
    February 23, 2018 at 12:01 pm

    Some great advice here! I’ve been feeling quite stressed lately so been forcing myself to have one night a week where I do self care stuff – that mainly involves face masks and chocolate haha!

  • Reply
    February 24, 2018 at 2:46 am

    These are some great tips! I absolutely spread myself too thin at work, and I really need to make sure I’m looking after myself by getting to bed early, and getting enough sleep!

    Talking to people really helps. I sometimes get into a bad habit of keeping my frustrations all to myself. It might seem simple to some to do this, but when we’re in this state, it can be so easy not to do it.

    Thanks for the helpful post, lovely! 😊

    Joelyne xo

  • Reply
    Briana Anderson
    February 27, 2018 at 2:24 pm

    This post is exactly what I needed today! Being burnt out is detrimental! I’m off to take a walk!

  • Reply
    February 28, 2018 at 1:11 pm

    Reading is my major de-stress thing. And writing. And puzzles with my kid. I’m so much happier now that Spring is springing, too. I hope you sleep easier soon!

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